Ragavin Coridon's D&D Virtual Tome




  • Feats:
    Contains a very large amount of original feats.

  • Spells:
    Contains a large amount of completely original and in many cases very 'creative' new spells.

  • Powers:
    Small for the time being but this sub-section contains original psionic powers.

  • PC/Prestige Classes:
    A massive, and yet still growing collection of new PC classes and pretige classes
    created by us, or collected from various sources available for download in .pdf format.

  • Creatures:
    A growing collection of new monsters, humanoids and other creatures

  • Equipment:
    This sub-section has many new pieces of equipment ranging from magic items to alchemal items to siege weaponry.

  • Skills:
    A listing for new skills.

  • Abilities:
    Misc. new abilities that really don't fit much anywhere else.

  • Files:
    A collection of downloads for you gamers.