Ragavin Coridon's D&D Virtual Tome




If you are going to submit information please fill out the survey. If you are just visiting the site, please fill out the survey, if you are not at the site, please fill out survey. I have a biological need for site feedback.


Part 1: The Survey
Your Name  
Your Age  
Your Email


What Gaming Systems do you play? (Check all that apply)

Dungeons & Dragons 1e Werewolf
Dungeons & Dragons 2e Cyberpunk 2020
Dungeons & Dragons 3e Shadowrun
Mage Other
  If other, what others?


List some of your intrests:

Do you have a website?
If so, what is it's URL?
Would you be willing to link your site to this one?


How would you rate the site?


What was your favorite part of this site?

How did you find the site?


What would you like to see done on this site?


Misc. Comments:



Part 2: Submissions

Your Name: (as you would like it listed)
Your Age:
Your E-mail:
Type of data being submitted: (ie; spell, feat)
Enter your submission below: