Ragavin Coridon's D&D Virtual Tome





  Quest Index
   D&D 2e Campaign 2
1 - The Grey Queen
2a - The Dragon's Den
2b - Wyrmhaven
2c - League of the Red Serpent
3 - The Week of Hell
  D&D 3e Campaign 1
1 - A Mossed Cause
2 - The Grey Eyed Stranger
3 - Playing with Fire
4 - The Week of Hell 2
5 - The Martial Arena
6 - Welcome to Karynx!
6b-Enter: The Chosen
7 - Welcome to Karynx II
  D&D 3e Campaign 2
0a- The Color of Ambition
0b- The House of Thieves (WARNING: Not suitable to be viewed by anyone)
1   - The Sunless Citadel 
  D&D 3e Campaign 3

1 - The Artificial Adventure



D&D 2e Campaign 2


By Andrew d'Entremont

A rider of dragons, taming the wild magick,
His sire met an end (Quite Tragic).
The intellects keen, the mind is strong,
A good friend to have, when the road is long.

A man of the woods, and silvan setting.
Hobbies include bear petting.
Powerful muscles, as a living Hercules,
A calm as liquid as mercury

A noble savage, religious man,
from the trees, he has fled from his own clan.
Wise as the bear, and as strong a will.
A good man before, a good man still.

A rogueish charm, agile fingers,
The deed is done, never linger.
Watch your coffer, indeed, watch your fief;
Ah! 'Tis the life of a thief!

A killer, murderous, killing fool;
Willing to torture, victimize, be cruel.
Still, a fine fighter; deft with his hands.
Master of stealth: air, sea, and land.

The five, the serpents, Erpertos too;
We give the evil, the heinous, their due.
Hundred's of orcs, we've sent to death's door;
Trolls, liches, shadows and more. Death to the ogres!
Dragons we've felled! Killing the dead, and demons from hell!
More and more glory, with more and more slain,
Villainous beings, never rise again.
We battle those evils that wish to kill life,
Promoting chaos, disorder, and strife.
So fear us not! We of the Light Brigade!
We wait for the glory of fortune's made,
We know that in to your songs you will let us,
For we are the serpents...ERPETOS!



The Gray Queen

Characters Participating:
Joseph the Dark
Lorius the Healer
Ragnar the Silent

This following section I did not actually experience, but the memory was retained from Josephs memory during the switching.

We were under the mountain of dread, raiding its cavernous halls to be free of the filth that inhabit it. We enter a large room, in the middle is a stylized symbol that is glowing slightly. Not knowing we step into the middle of it, and find our selves in the middle of a field.
Walking down the nearest trail we soon came to a broken down carrige, next to it was a man, obviously a priest, looking quite angry. We greeted him, and he greeted us back. He explained to us that he was part of a caravan bringing a sacred helm that grants extrordinary powers, until the helm was stolen. If we were to find it, and return it to him he would pay us handsomely, and we would be on very good terms with the head of his church, the High Priestess Thona. We quickly agreed to this for three reasons.

One: We need all the money we can get
Two: Being on good terms with someone in this strange new realm is good
Three: We're adventurers, thats what we do.

The priest point in a direction and says he saw the thieves go. We set out after them. After a few hours of traveling through thick brush we came across a dead man, with a smashed crate around him, one fragment of the crate says 'For delivery to the High Priestess Thona' This must have been what the helm was stored in.
Looking around we saw that we were in a small glade in a mountainous rocky region. On the far side of the glade there was an cave opening. We made our way towards it. Ventureing deeper inside the cavern we soonc ame upon rows and rows and mushrooms. It soon became obvious that there were a few of them following us! We continued onward, still wary of the shrooms following us, but they didn't seem to mean any harm. It soon became apparent that they were, in actuality escorting us through the cave. After a short hike he came to a huge colony of mushrooms. The home of the myconids. A sometimes peacful race, they are quick to anger. It was clear from the looks on their...uhm.....faces, that they were in peril.
Two of the larger creatures came up to us and seemed like they were about to rip us apart. I, being the kind person I am began asking if I could assist them with anything, if there was anything we could do to help them. They responded with spraying with a cloud of spores. In a flash of realization, everything came to me.
A group of adventurers broke into the colony, and fought their way into the heart of the myconid dwellings. Looting and pillaging as they went, until finally only one of the adventurers remained to face the mushroom king. Both died in an epic struggle. The king, with his dying breath, coughed out a cloud of spores, in order to create a new king. The spores of the Myconid king intermixed with the blood, and body of the Adventurer, and the Gray Queen was formed. Half Myconid, Half Human. Completely Evil. The Queen was utterly insane, and imparted the insaness onto the entire myconid colony. Some were able to resist her coersions, and began a resistance group. "Help us" the voice pleaded from inside my head.
When I regained a sense of my surroundings I took to action at once. We had to help these poor creatures, and quickly. The Erpetos set to work. Hacking our way into the middle of the colony I fought in a blind rage. Casting spells as we went along, we soon came to the "throne room", where the evil Queen,clad in the helm we sought, was guarded by two massive creatures that stood in vigilance. Ragnar snuck as best he could to observe their tactics. He wasn't quiet enough. They saw him and the Queen hissed orders to her massive guardians. We fell back to a more secure position, and pulled out our bows, arrows, dart, and whatever other missile weapons we had, and began the attack. Before the enemy was upon us we downed one of the giant mushrooms, and the other was burning down to a stump (Thanks to quick thinking on my part, and Ragnar's skill with a bow). Before long all that was left is the queen herself. Who soon fell to our relentless onslaught. We were victorius.

On our way out of the cave the Myconids regarded us with quiet thanks, but did not openly thank us, nothing was expected because it was a group of adventurers, very much like ourselves, that caused this whole event in the first place. Taking the helm back to the caravan master, he, and our group made our way to the city that the high Priestess Thona lived. She greeted us, and bestowed upon us the Faith of Firehair. A medal only given to the higher ranking, and esteemed adventurers. She bade us welcome to stay in the church for a time,and we accepted. Recovering from our wounds, and becoming stronger.



Dragon's Den

I had been experimenting with wild magic for some time, and new the risks, but this spell seemed harmless. I tried it out, and when I looked around me again I was in what obviously seemed a temple. Memories flooded to me, and I realized that I had exchanged bodies with someone stronger than I. No problem, this was great for me. Taking advantage of the situation I walked out into the hallway and looked around for something to eat. The only thing I remember is that I was slammed into a wall, and held a knifepoint until I explained what had happened. It seemed that the Erpetos, the group of which this body belonged to, did not believe I came here by accident. I was saved though, by the High Priestess Thona, a priestess of which I've had dealings with in the past. She happened to be wandering the halls, and saved me from certain death at the hands of one vile thief, who I would later learn was named Ragnar the Silent.
They quickly accepted me into their group, and we set off in search of work. Wandering the town we saw a poster that read...I find it hard to recall in my old age, but I believe it said something to the means of
"Adventureres wanted for Dragon Slaying, Wealth and Fame rewarded."
We went to the location that the poster said, and quickly signed up. On our way out we met a very shadowy figure in search of work. His name, as he told it was FurrowFoot the Nimble, known to many (but not for long) as the Five O'clock Shadow, one of the more deadly assasins in Sembia. We accepted him into our group, and set out on our quest. To slay a black dragon from the nearby swamp.
We reached the area cavern of the great beast about mid-day, and looked around for some means of entry. The first way in, out of four, was blocked by a large boulder. The second Was under the swamp water. The third was near a large Lizard man encampment. The fourth was guarded by vicious snakes. We chose the snakes and entered. Lorius, being the brash and foolish immediately smashed his mace on the floor, and was weaponless. We very quickly dispatched the enemies in the room and continued onward. In little under an hour we tore through the dwelling of the massive beast, and soon found our way through to his lair. Obviously he was tipped off by some 1/2 slain lizard person, for he was prepared for us. As soon as we entered he sent his broodlings to tear us apart before we could get to him. We showed him quite wrong, for we put an arrow through the head of the lead one, and cast a powerful sleeping spell on the other. This left the main Dragon. Fearing for the life of her hatchlings she pleaded with us to spare the other, surving infant. We convened a short council. That was one of the stupidist thing I've ever done, trusting a dragon like that. Taking us by suprise it spewed a massive fan of acid, and reduced Lorius, and our new ninja ally to a puddle of goop. We did not take kindly to this. I managed to cast a sleep spell powerful enough to put out the massive beast, driving a blade through its brain. Putting it out of its misery. We made our way back to the town, and were greeted with great celebration and praise. We returned to the Church. Had what was left of furrowfoot ressurected, and waited to go out on our next adventure.




Characters Participating
Ronar Dragonrider
Ragnar the Silent
Furrowfoot the Nimble - The 5 O'clock shadow
Tholdel Thoreu

This quest by comparison was one of the harder I have yet faced. Though this time around we were far more well prepared for it. The high priestess Thona was kind enough to ressurect Furrowfoot (for a price), and she gave us a cleric to help us in our journey. Suprisingly, this new cleric had the same mannerisms as Lorius did. Grudgingly we accepted him into the group, but he proved to be a valuable ally. When we got him talking he explained to us that he had a personal vendetta against dragons of all sorts. The village that he was from was destroyed by a flight of Reds, one of the most fearsome type of dragon.
Once we had acquainted ourselves with the surroundings we set out to get our briefing for the Baliff Wartley. When we arrived he had all of our things ready. Much the same stuff as the previous quest. When he finished handing out our belongings his secretary, Sascia came in and filled us in on the rest of the mission. She explained that along the hills where the Dallow Keep stands there a many limestone caves. One of which a massive green dragon has taken up residence. Shortly after the dragon moved in a colony of trogs moved in as well, serving the dragon in return for a few magical items. She bade us good luck and we set off. Two days later we arrived at the cave that the dragon inhabited, and we set off immediately, after a short rest. Sascia's information proved to be correct for in the first chamber we encountered a group of six trogs were waiting. Four of them ran towords a door on the far side of the room. Tholdel (The cleric that was given to our cause) quickly called upon the power of his god, and cast a ethereal barrier over the wall, barring their path. It went on as such as we stormed through the cavernous caverns, and laid waste to all sorts of Trogs, collecting magically cursed items as we went (and giving them graciously to Tholdel).
Before long we entered a room covered in spider webs. Near the roof a child-shaped form hung wrapped in webs. We cut it down, and a camatose body of a half-ling rolled out. He had two puncture marks on his neck that looked remarkably like spider bites. We used a scroll of Poison antitode on him. When he revived he thanked us profusely, and offered to have us stay with him any time we wanted. We escorted him back to his house, back him goodbye, and returned back to the room full of webs.
We cautiously inched our way through it slicing webs and looking for more treasure. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere a massive spider dropped down almost on top of Sengir. Having his sword of quickness out already he quickly diced it up. We burst into the next room and prepared to lay waste to whatever foes lay in waiting. We all stopped abruptly as a ghostly appartition stood before us holding a glowing green skull, which it quickly lobbed at us. The skull exploded in a flash of green light, blinding all of us. When we could again see we set out to destroy the evil wraith. I cast spells at it, Sengir tried to hack it, Tholdel tried to turn it. All of which were of no use. When it didnt even move we knew something was wrong. After another minute or so it just vanished. It was only an illusion meant to delay us. Donning our water helms we rushed into the lair of the dragon to find....darkness. Absolte total darkness. Pulling out our gems of continual light we quickly ward the darkness away. There, staring back at us was not one, not two, but three green dragons. Obviously our intelligence data had been wrong. Simultaneously all three of them began to breath a cloud of chlorine gas, mean to destroy our lungs, but, with our helms, it had no effect. We had the final laugh in that.....at least until it began to attack us physically. Not giving it the chance to attack us we quickly put arrows through two of them. They instantly vanished and it was then that I realized that they were only illusions, meant to scare us out of our wits. It had worked, and I needed to wash my cloak. Enraged at out deception he began attacking. Sengir, blade darting and dodging the claws and teeth of the massive green managed to shred its wing to tatters. In a last ditch effort to save itself the dragon lifted as high as it could in its cave and came down aimed right at Furrowfoot. Our deft Ninja got the better of him, dodging the hulk, and attack further. Taking initiative I quickly made preperations to cast my 'Mighty Magic Mushroom' spell. With mutterings of acrane words, and odd contortion the mushroom shaped energy streaked from my hands and struck home. The dragon fell over in a heap. As did we, but from exhaustion rather than death. Seemingly as soon as we were down a group of armed, female Troglodytes ran into the room. I tried to cast a spell, but it only ended in a wild surge. The troglodytes are still lusting after me. I must learn a remove curse spell. Searching the room we found the usual dragon hoard treasure, but then, purely by accident I found a treasure worth more than any gold. A dragon egg.


League of the Red Serpents

Characters participating:
Ronar Dragonrider
Tholdel Thoreau
Ragnar the Point
Furrowfoot the Nimble -The 5 O'clock Shadow

The job was almost over. The town of Daerlun was almost rid of the Dragons in the surrounding hills and swamps. We went to talk to Wartley for information on the final quest. When we arrived at his office he was there waiting for us. He informed us that this time we would be going up against the most feared of all dragons. The red. Though we soon found that there was more to this adventure than merely slaying a creature.
He began like so "The rolling limestone uplands along the Iron River basin are orc country. The region is rugged, but the land is good. When cleared of Monsters it should be excellent for farmland."
he then paused for a second and continued in a little more factual tone.
"The barbaric humanoid tribes of the region are organized in a loose confederation - 'The league of the Red Serpents' in Common. I've long suspected that the League has secret dealing with the Black Prince, but charges, but bringing charges of treason against March Lord Draven - who is Overmasters Elduth Yarnmaster's cousin - without irrefutable evidence would be foolish."
He took a seat and signaled for us to do the same before continueing, we each took a seat with the exception of Furrowfoot who was too untrustful of anyone to do that. When almost all of us were seated he continued once more.
"I have planted a spy in the League, a loyal agent of mine who has been polymorphed into a bugbear. Gorol, or Dregdack as he is now known, is a guard in the Leagues headquarters. The headquarters, by the way, are a former Dwarven fortress."
We all knew that this would be difficult to get into, the dwarves are known for their stoneworking skills. Wartley handed us a map and continued.
"Gorol has sent us this map and the following information: An envoy from the Black Prince currently resides at the stronghold. Rumor suggests that that the Black Prince and the League are trying to come to terms on some plot."
Wartley turned to Sasica, his secretary to speak. "The Three major races represented in the league - Orcs, Bugbears, and wererats are openly hostile towards each other. They are only held together by the ambitious schemes and commanding personaly of Lizhar the orc lord, the ostensible dictator of the League. Luzagar is only a figureheadm however, possible charmed or impersonated in polymorphed form. The real power in the league , according to Gorol, is a red dragon. Possibly the same Red dragon raiding farm settlements around Hooknose Crag. Gorol says it's a small red, no more than fifty years old, but almsot certaintly a spellcaster. "Gorol will arrange to be captured by you and will assist you in your quest. You will recognize him by the red cap he wears. be careful not to slay him. Thats all." Sascia finished If the stories we had heard about the Reds were true were going to need all the help we could get. We would be very careful not to slay him. After a few days journeying we were outside of the Dwarven hall. We then reviewed our objectives. ·

1) Seek out, capture and get a report from Goral ·
2)Get evidence of ANY cooperation between the League and the Black Prince ·
3) Slay or subdue the Red Dragon.

Our objectives clear we slowly snuck into the darkened hall. Once inside we say immediately in front of us, a stone wall with arrow slits in it. Looking through it we saw 4 bugbears, and we could hear the snoring of others not too far away. One of the creatures was wearing a red cap. Walking forward to the slits Tholdel and I took care of them. I cast a sleep spell on the entire group, while Tholdel cast a silence spell to keep them quiet while we snuck around. To our horror, the four waking bugbears fell in a circle, a red hat between all four of them. Before we could reach the room that we silenced/slept earlier we encountered another room with seven orcs. Lukily for us three of them were alseep.
After "taking care" of the orc problem and piling them up on one of them beds we proceeded to the next room over, that contained that Bugbears. Before they could fully awaken we tied them up and a gagged them. Once fully awake we took each one individually out, and questioned them to see if they really were a polymorphed human. Only the last one was. We had a great pile of orcs and bugbears by the time we were done. Once ungaged Gorol gave us the report on the fortress.
"The Black prince's envoy, Lord Gonzaga is in the room just up ahead, marked Location #7 on that map I made. He's nobodies fool, but he doesn't look like a fighter. Location #16-20 are for the bosses only - No underlings permitted. A gaint and a Harpy guard these rooms, I head. There are some human and demi-human prisoners in Location #15. Dont know anything about them. Lots of Wererats, and rats in the western corridiors, it could be dangerous. Orc, bugbear, and troll raiders in the east corridors. Bad-tempered and vicious. Got a shaman too, so watch out. Doors are locked if there;s a fuss. Needs two seperate keys but the keys work for all the doors. Watch out for patrolls, they come every 10-20 minutes"
We began forward again, one of our objectives completed, still two left. We went back the way we came, then down a corridor we previously passed. We soon came to a door, and Rangar opened it carefully and silently and looked in......to see the eye of a troll staring back. The troll burst through the door and was about to attack us. I managed to throw one of my missiles from the necklace around into the room behind the troll, which was packed full of orcs, harpies, wererats, rats, and even a giant. The explosion was huge, luckily the troll was there to shield the blast from us. The troll got knocked out from the explosion, so Sengir simply chopped off his head. Going back into the room we saw bodies littered everywhere. three orcs, a giant, and part of a wererat still remained. We disposed of them with much trouble. As we were about to continue on our way we heard a noise behind us and Tholdel was knocked for a loop. The Troll has regenerated. I quickly put it down permanantly with a burning hands spell.
Again as we were about to leave that room Ragnar noticed a something amiss on the wall. I tried using a knock scroll and the wall swung open, revealing a nicely furnished room. At a table sat a smartly dressed noble looking man in a linen tunic, and rich, brightly colored cape. He opened up a snuff box, places it in his nose, and sniffs sharply, then takes a handkerchief and pats his nose. We began to question him, and search the room.
Taking affront to this he challenged one of us to a duel. Sengir accepted, and made short work of him. We tied him up to get on the way back out. This was obviously Lord Gonzaga. The rest of the hall seemed empty, obviously we disposed of everyone in that fight. So we soon found our way to the Dragons lair. Using on a knock spell on his door we rushed in and spread out.....into total darkness.
We removed the continual light gems from our packs and soon we could see the rest of the room which contained.....absolutely nothing. Pulling out a scroll of Dispel Magic I read the words contained on it, and in the corner of the room a Red Dragon appeared, looking very suprised that we could see him. He didn't remained shocked for long as he spewed flame from his belly striking Sengir and Rangar. Knocking the latter out cold (Well, as cold as you can get when your on fire) Not wasting any time either I fired off an ice missile freezing it where it stood. We then went to work on it. and it was down in a matter of minutes. By this time we had Dragon slaying down to a science. We gathered up the dragon hoard, picked up Lord Gonzaga, and reported back to Wartley.


The Week of Hell

Characters Participating:
Ronar Dragonrider
Ragnar the Point
Tholdel Thoreau
Furrowfoot the Nimble-The Five O'Clock Shadow

The month of Kythorn had drawn to a close, and the month of Flamerule has just begun when we arrived in a small down on the Road the Suzail. From the outside look this seemed like a quiet town, one major structure building inside the walled city with many shops and the like, and few outlying farms, and a medium sized castle in the rear of the city. It was pleasant with a fountain containing statues of old men feeding ducks, and trees, not the sort of place you would expect vile creatures to hang out, but they do.....I think.
We got into the town late one night and put up at the only inn in town, that was when things started getting weird. We awoke to voices the next morning and looked out the window. The old men in the pond WERE feeding ducks! They soon noticed the lot of us leaning out the window and started talking.
They said: "Hey there sonny ye'd better get out of there before that whale hits" and he pointed up. From the sky a great behemoth of a whale was descending rapidly straight for Flat 40-B where we were staying. To avoid death at the uh...flippers of a whale we evacuated the room as quickly as possible.
Tholdel, Furrowfoot, and Ragnar out the window, I went through the door, and Sengir went straight through the floor, landing in the arms of the innkeeper. As we ran outside to avoid the blubbery carnage the whale thudding down harmlessly on a roast mutton stand. When we got to the fountain we began questioning the stone men about what had just happened, between their complaints about their arthritis and being regaled with stories about 'back in the day' we managed to get some information out of them. It seemed that a small blueish creature, the same type that is summoned by one of my lesser spells, has been running around town stealing items from people left and right. He calls himself Sammy the Squip. We thanked the kind statue-man for warning us about this squip, and went about exploring the town on our own. Far off down the main street of the town we saw a band of orcs. We should have drawn out arms, but instead we laughed. The marauding band was covered head to toe in junk and was asking people if they had any junk of their own as they moved down the street. They soon came to us, and we kindly (sort of) told them to just move along. With much grumbling they complied. Much later that day an elderly woman came to us and begged us for help. Evidenrly she had misplaced her chickens in the town activities center, and she could not find them. We agreed to find her six chickens and moved in prepared for anything. Suddenly the door slammed shut and we were locking in. An odd clucking noise echoed through the hall, and on the far the side we found the womans 7 chickens. We then gathered them up and herded them towards the door, hopeing our thief could pick it open. This was an oddly menial task for a ground of semi-seasoned adventurers such as ouselves. I spoke too soon. The seventh, and most deadly of chickens suddely morphed and changed still retaining its white color but becoming giant and serpentine, as we stared in awe the vicious chicken morphed itself into a fearsome white dragon, spewing its frost towards our ground. Diving out of the way we all managed to avoid a chilled death at the hands of the icy fiend.
Taking no time at all Sengir had pulled out his mighty blade and was upon the dragon in a flash. Furrowfoot, and Ragnar loosed their arrows upon it, and searing flames shot forth from my hands reducing the dragon to slag in under a minute. We had that dragon slaying stuff down to a science. Alas, most of the quest is lost to me, my rebirth left many gaps. I will convey all that I remember therafter. I do remember, that on the final day of this adventure we discovered that the castle in town was open, and we proceeded to investigate.
We intended to ask the owner WHY he was shooting whales at our inn. An action that made us quite perterved. Walking across the drawbridge we entered the first floor of the castle. Directly in from of us was a large stairwell, to our left and right was a door. We began with the left door and found ourselves in a kitchen. We began laughing histerically, barging into a kitchen, of all things, with our weapons drawn, preparing for combat. Four gnolls cooking some sort of food turned their heads to look at us. We apologized and began backing out. This was when they grabbed large cleavers and ran at us screaming. Shortly later them were reduced to slag. We decided to try the door on the right. As we cautiously peeked in the door a we were shocked. A wereboar, and werewolf were shoving food down their throat eating like pigs, and as ravenous as a wolves. Sengir, having his family and town all killed and destroyed by werewolves became enraged at the sight, and rushed in. He alone could've taken them both in his rage. Shortly later both were dead, and we were going up the stairs. The second floor looked much like the first, but, instead of checking out the rooms we ran straight up the stairs and onto the roof, where two towers stood up above us. We ran into the first and were confronted with a puzzle. Three ropes lead upward, one, we knew would bring us to the roof, the other our deaths. We thought back a trip to the barber shop of this town, and a poster he had up. Three ropes, the middle green, the other red. We thought it as good a guess as any, and we climbed the middle rope. Shortly later we found ourselves on the roof, and facing off with Donny the Drake, a gangster, just under the one who had been firing whales at the Inn. The drake proved an easy target and quickly fell to our onslaught. Looking across to the other tower, we found our ultimate goal. Using grappling hooks we swung over to the tower and immediately had to dive out of the way as Mr. Bad, a lawyer (whatever that is) fired a ballista right at us (we found out his name later) we all avoided the bolt, but Sengir who was hit and began falling off the castle. Acting quickly I used a feather fall spell on him. He would be out of it for a while. The remaining four of us took it to him, he aparently did not want to discuss why he was launching whales at us, so we had to. We dodged most of the shots from him,though falling prey to the occasional briefcase thwap, or slap spell. Shortly therafter we took him out. Suddenly......we all woke up.



D&D 3e Campaign 1

A Mossed Cause (Adventure 1)
Location in Game: Suzail, Cormyr
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Goblins x10
Badgers x3
Human Fighter
Zalamander x2
Hell Hounds x2
Gelatinous Cube x2
Half-Orc Barbarians x2(Krusk & Kruskina)
Wild Boar (Who soon became boar jerky)

The Head wizard of Cormyr, Vanderghast is in need of Adventurers to retrieve some rare moss found in the nearby Hullack forest. He contracts each adventurer individually to retrieve the moss. With a two day journey the PCs arrive at the forest, dispatch a group of wandering goblins, murder a hunter in cold blood, solve intricate riddles, survive traps, and defeat multi-headed dogs to find the moss, and bring it back to Vanderghast.

The Gray eyed stranger.... (Adventure 2)
Location in Game:
Suzail, Cormyr. The StormHorn Mtns. and the area in between.
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Orc Fighters x8
Orc Fire Shaman
Orc Ice Shaman
Orc Plant Shaman
Orc Lightning Shaman

'Frosties' x4


A beautiful wandering magic item merchant with gray eyes, going by the name of Danielle contracts the PCs to retrieve a rare magical item called 'The Great Bag of Holding in the Sky' The bag is in a massive temple to the Orc god Gruumsh. The PCs raid the temple, dispel each energy barrier, defeat the champion of Gruumsh and seize the bag. When the PCs returned to Suzail, Danielle was gone, and no one had remembered seeing her.

Playing With Fire (Adventure 3)
Location in Game: Suzail, Cormyr. The road to the town of Asylum
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
, Radalf
DMed By:
Lo Kanthor
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Azers x5
Grimlocks x7
Fire Mephits x3
Med. Fire Elemental
Sm. Fire Elemental x2

King Azound V, king of Cormyr contracts the PCs to track down the head of a group of Assassins currently rampaging the country. With a little bit of checking the PCs found the Assassins were holding up in a disused town by the name of 'Asylum' they immediately set out. While en route they run into an Inn with an old legend of fire demons, and a brigands who befriended them for a plundering spree. Intrigued the PCs experiment with mice (don't ask) and seek out the now sealed lair of the fire brigands.
Gaining access to the secret lair using an arcane pass phrase (Speak 'friend' and enter) the, over the course of a few days dispatched the remaining brigands, then continued down the road towards 'Asylum'

The Martial Arena (Adventure 4)
Location in Game: The road to 'Asylum'
DMed By:
Lo Kanthor
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
, Radalf
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Level 1 Warriors x16
Lions x3
Gnoll Rgr
Level 1 Fighter x8
Level 6 Fighter

Continuing down the road the Asylum the PCs come across a young half-elven girl with gray eyes fleeing a massive group of armed men. It seems that the PCs had come across a city of incredible bigots. After giving the girl their only horse to escape, the PCs were subdued and arrested. They managed to pop their cell door off its hinges, and take down every guard in the corridor in an escape attempt. Their captors finally agreed to give them better accommodations if their fought in the Arena. The PCs agreed, and through a series of private talks they were convinced that the other PCs were out to get the them. On the third day of the Arena havoc broke out when Lo Kanthor tried to punch Ragavin, Ragavin in turn was about to cast a powerful spell on him, but the paladin hit him with a sleeping poison before he could cast it. Underhill BANG!ed the paladin, Radalf took out the monk, Underhill then revived Ragavin and together they pulled a Bigby's Smack Down on Tholandür, dropping him below 0 HP. The fighting was stopped and combatants were ushered to their respective rooms.

The Week of Hell 2 (Adventure 5)
Location in Game: 'Asylum'
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
, Radalf
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:

Trolls x2
Assassins x5
Dire Hamster
Evil Therapist
Gamers (ourselves) x6
1/2 Human 1/2 Myconid
Black Dragon
Green Dragon
Red Dragon
Gargoyles x2
Umber Hulk
Dire Wolverine

Prior to leaving the town that they were forced to fight in, the PCs receive noticed from King Azound V saying the his daughter, the princess had been killed by the Assassins that they were sent out to eliminate. The king was sending an army, headed by Vanderghast after them. If they did not destroy the Assassins before the army caught up with them, they would be brought back to Suzail and executed. Wasting no time all put Lo Kanthor jumped into GBoHitS . Kanthor, armed with a wand of cure light wounds, ran like hell with the bag towards that town of asylum and made the two day trek in about 7 hours. The PC spend one day in the town of Asylum before dispatching the Assasins....it was at this point that they noticed something was really wrong....
Perhaps it was the animated statues of old men, perhaps the whales falling from the sky, maybe the evil therapist, or the homicidal lawyer, maybe the 40 foot tall hamster terrorizing the city tipped them off, but by the end of the week, when Athena appeared and ushered them through a portal to who-knows-where in an effort to escape a vortex destroying the town, the PCs were quite certain, that the town of Asylum would not be on their future travel arrangements.

Welcome to Karynx (Adventure 6)
Location in Game: South of Narshe, Phyrexia, Karynx
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
, Radalf
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:

Scouts x14
Generals x3
Nobles x6
Clerics x7
Soldiers x25


After their brief meeting with Athena, Goddess of war, the PCs fall flat on their face out of a portal into the center of an army encampment . Mr. Underhill is invited into the command pavilion tent because he 'looked important' (this time he was not arrested for it). Upon finding out the Mr. Underhill was not actually important, the army command simply hired the PCs on as Mercenaries. While taking a moment to account for everyone the PCs found that Lo Kanthor was missing, replaced by a young thieving girl, armed with tonfas, and a killer secret handshake (as Jare'l now knows quite well). She quickly fell in step with Underhill and became almost like a cohort to him. Early the next morning the PCs were called back into the command tent and given a task. As it seems the enemy army greatly outnumbered their own, and the enemy had to be slowed down until reinforcements could arrive. This was the PCs job. Setting out almost immediately the PCs came to the enemy camp. Radalph and Underhill snuck in using a cloak of elvenkind, and an invisibility ring, and assassinated one of their generals. Delighted with the success of their first plan the PCs decided to split up. Underhill and Radalph went to one enemy camp, while the rest of the PCs and their respective cohorts went to another. Underhill and Radalph's plan almost went off without a hitch except two servants escaped. Guards stormed the pavilion tent and captured Radalph (Underhill was invisible) Meanwhile the other PCs had ambushed a patrol, donned their clothes, and hauled in Ragavin, who, with the aid of some minor illusionary spells looked pretty mangled. Once hauled before the general Ragavin "woke up" and quickly disposed of all the guards, while sending the General back to the brig in the good camp via the GBoHitS. Using newly acquired mental communicators the PCs dressed in guard dress received word that Radalph had been captured. With a forged order they managed to get Radalph out of the jail cell. With only one camp left, and not a lot of time, the PCs entrenched themselves and began lobbing magic missiles, fireballs, flasks of alchemists fire, acid, and thunderstones at the final enemy camp before everyone but Underhill and Jare'l jumped into the GBoHitS. Those who remained got hit with a flame strike, and had to be hauled away. The final camp decimated, the PCs rushed back to their camp in the ancient and ruined town of Asylum.

'Enter: The Chosen' (Adventure 6b)
Location in Game: Ex-Temple of Athena, Talga Plains, Phyrexia, Karynx
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Lo Kanthor
Location of Game:
Over the phone
Monsters Felled:

Skeletons, Large x4
Shadow x1
Zombies x4
Morgh x1
NightWalker (mini) x1

: Lo Kanthor, upon entering the portal that took the PCs to the world of Karynx felt that he was getting separated from the rest of the group, the next thing he knew he was surrounded by skeletons of dead clerics in a defiled temple to the Goddess Athena. After quickly disposing of the skeletons Kanthor went a key Easter egg hunt, searching for key's and matching them to the appropriate doors. After a short while (4 hours) Kanthor had finally gained access to the catacombs where, if it wasn't for his sunrods, would be drained of all energy in a matter of seconds. He had several encounters with Zombies and soon came to what look like a skeleton, but with a long purple tongue coiled throughout its body. This, with a couple charges of the healing wand to Kanthor was soon dispatched. Upon investigating the catacombs further Kanthor met up with a young, and slightly cocky NightWalker, who wailed on him, before Athena intervened. Seeing that Kanthor was risking his life to safe her temple she took him on as one of her chosen, granting him the powerful 'Ki Blast' with his newfound powers Kanthor quickly dispatched the Nighstalker and was transported to a room with a large jewel covered in grime. When the grime was cleared away the light that issued forth purged the temple of its foul taint. Kanthor exited the temple a hero only to realize that he was reallyreally lost. Trudging through the dense woods Kanthor soon came to the edge and saw far off in the distance massive towers, running towards them Kanthor came to a hard packed dirt road full of merchants and wary travelers. This road lead to the massive city of Narshe. Kanthor paid his road tax and went in. Realizing that he did not fit the image of the chosen of a god with his horribly misshapen face Kanthor found himself in front of the largest temple to Athena on the planet. Spending a large sum of money the monk had his face re-shapen into something a little more pleasing to the eye (It almost took a miracle spell). Learning that an army was camped to the south Kanthor proceeded out the Ma-Thuin gate to see if could lend his services.....

'Welcome to Karynx' Part II
(Adventure 7)
Location in Game: Talga Plains & Cursed Point, Karynx
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Ragavin Dragonrider, Lo Kanthor, Jare'l, Tholandür, 'Underhill'
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Level 15 Aristocrat
Level 5 Clerics x2
Level 2 Clerics x2
Level 2 Fighters x5
Level 10 Necromancer
Lazar x4
Sheet Phantoms x2

Summary: Having freed Radalf, and cooked the nobility camp to a crisp the PCs set off with al due speed back for their camp. Upon arrival they met the new, improved, Lo Kanthor. In a few days the PCs were instructed by the Lord General to race around to the back of the enemy army during the attack and take out the rest of their command force. Upon reaching the point the enemy commanded from the PCs found them severely guarded and were forced to take everyone down. Thalandür and Kanthor in their brashness were about to rush off and attack 10,000 of the enemy army, but were dissuaded when a large number of them (300) began to charge to their position. Retreating back to the Phyrexian camp, several of the PCs took command of troops of moved out into the fight.
A bit later it was all over, and the Phyrexians had won!
The PCs were brought in an audience before the king, and, in exchange for continued service were given a tower on a rock out in the Karynx Bay. Problem was this tower was current occupied by someone practicing the profane arts.
All the PCs but Thalandür (who went by Griffin) charted boat passage out to the small island. Thalandür who arrived far earlier than the rest zipped back quickly when two Lazar circling the tower broke off and came after him. His Griffin was given a beating and left in the cargo hold on the ship while the PCs wiped out the Lazar (though with difficulty)
Upon arriving on the Island the PCs were set upon by sheet phantoms who grappled Jare'l and Thalandür who had the audacity to walk into the tower without watching their step. The phantoms attempted to suffocate the two while the rest of the PCs tried to get them off without hurting the PCs underneath too much.
Once the sheet Phantoms were dealt with the PCs preceded to scour the tower eventually coming to the roof. Upon the roof they were attacked by the remaining two Lazar. In an unexpected, calculated hit Thalandür's insides were spread all over the top of the tower, scratch one Paladin.
Once the remaining PCs dealt with the Lazar, the Necromancer made an appearance, and, with a bit of evil speeches and maniacal laughter attempted to wipe out the PCs. With powerful spells. Ragavin almost suffered a chilled death with hit with a cone of cold. Shortly afterwards the Necromancer was defeated and tower had been taken in the name of the Unforgiven. And so ended the exploits of the Unforgiven. They had reached the peak of their careers. They had explored two worlds, plane-hopped, befriended goddesses, and now Thalandür was dead and they had an elegant tower with a nice view all to themselves, what more could the ask for!?


D&D 3e Campaign 2

The Color of Ambition (Adventure 0a)
Location in Game: Eveningstar and surrounding area
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
Roland Brightblade, Corwyn Brightblade, Thalandür
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
still tabulating......

Roland, Corwyn and Thalandür were sitting in their favoite pub when they overheard some of the patrons speaking of some friends of theirs gone missing, when questioned the told the PCs that two friends of theirs Adam and Douglas had gone missing two days ago and had last been seen in the company of a dark haired woman, and that the mayor of Eveningstar was offering a 150g.p. reward for their safe return. The PCs quickly set out. Ragavin went to question the family, Thalandür went to question the mayor of Corwyn followed he boys trail.
The Mayor knew very little, and even less about the two young men. He did direct the PCs however to their parents, and with haste the two brothers and the elf set out for their house on the outskirts of eveningstar. When their arrived the PCs got the lowdown. The two young men were around 20, the oldest of 12 kids in the family. They were blonde burly young men in trades suitable to the region such as logging or blacksmithing. They were seen leaving out of the north gate two days prior with a black haired woman.
Corwyn tracked them to a red wizard encampment, but did no further investigation.
When all had reconvened they decided on a course of action and set out to the the encampment to question them. When they arrived the red wizards were decidedly less than forthcoming and only agree to have their grounds inpected when a small......donation.....way paid to them. As the PCs were lead around on tour they came to one of the mages quarters there lying in their bound gagged were the two young men who worked in trades suitable to the region such as logging or blacksmithing, and lying next to that was a black wig and a red wizard with black eyebrows. Being caught and backed into a corner she quickly summoned her guardians....three zombies.
Galvanized into action Roland threw a bed against them and held them back against the wall. The summoner of the zombies leapt through an open window, her 5 charmed warriors following close behind with Corwyn racing after them, leaving Thalandür and Roland to deal with everyone else.
While Roland was busy holding the zombies at bay with a bed Thalandür was confronted by a powerful looking wizard, but the closed quarters evened the battle signigantly. Still not enough though as Thalandür was almost killed by a jet of flame. When things were looking bad for the elf, Roland abandoned his struggle, and seizing his hammer brought it crashing into the wizard sending him flyinf back in a crumpled heap. The damage was done though the entire building was going up in flames. Seizing the initiative the two PCs rushed into the hallway attempting to escape a flaming death. Roland ran right into the blade of an oncoming guard and slumped down unconscious. Soon (with the help of Corwyn who had only just returned from his tracking) those guards were dispatched, Roland was revived, an escape route was needed. The only exits were consumed in flames. So Roland created a new one. Sadly though the buliding was surrounded by 5 levels of fighters an equal amount of wizards. Roland was quickly downed with a sleep spell leaving the other two to take on everything by themselves. Soon Thalandür was knocked out, but by that time Roland had revived and proceeded to clean up. Soon afterword everyone was gone, and the PCs raced after the remaining fighters and the wizard that started this all.....absolutely forgetting the blond burly young men in trades suitable to the region such as logging or blacksmithing who were stuck in the burning building and by now, quite crispy.
The tracks lead in a steep ravine and then down a flight of stairs into darkness. As the three decided what to do, two more showed people showed up.

The House of Thieves(Adventure 0b) (WARNING: Not suitable to be viewed by anyone)
Location in Game: Suzail
DMed By:
Characters Participating:
'The Talented Mr. Underhill', Jarvien
Location of Game:
Monsters Felled:
Level 1 Human Fighters x6

DISCLAIMER: The actions of the PCs in the sub-quest are in no way representitive of the D&D game as a whole, and not my fault! The may prove disturbing to anyone reading them and therefore should not be read by anyone, that being said I'm sure you are now that much more eager to read this. Enjoy.

Underhill and Jarvien laid out the plans months before the actual deal went down. As the night they would strike approached they put the house under heavy surveilance and began rounding up their equipment. The night before the strike they were up late in the room they had taken in the inn across from the house they were going to steal from. B0rt had just returned from a surveilance mission when the innkeeper Aselra Dualane opened the door bringing in their dinner they had ordered far earlier, caught sighted of b0rt and panicked. Luckily the two were able to convince her it was the light of venus reflecting off of swamp gas.
The next night the began their heist by putting b0rt on alert and sending hanky up to attack the gate guard who died in a loud and gruesome manner. In the chaos this created the two thieves attempted to get through but were spotted, and help was yelled for. All the guards in the house were dispatched with the help of b0rt who sacrificed himself for three points of subdual damage!
When everyone was taken care of they slipped in the back door and to the main room. With much searching they soon found a secret door built into the floor. Going down inside of it they soon found themselves face to face with a row of scything blades. Using a sword taken off of one of the bodies Jarvien shoved one of the blade so it rammed a wall shattering and sending shrapnel everywhere, including into himself. The pain being too much for the rogue to bear, he passed out, but was still losing some blood. Underhill made a rudimentry heal check then ran out to find an all night temple to mask where he could pick up some healing potions.
It was two AM when underhill returned with the potions and everyone was back on their feet and going. Something was needed to shield themselves from the shards of metal that would result from the destruction of the blades. Underhill found the solution. Dead Bodies. Soon they had a pile of dead bodies in the entrance room to the secret area and each of the thieves was using one of them as a (forgive the pun) body shield. Before long all the blades were destroyed and the bodies were close to being hamburger.
Venturing further down the hallway they found three more secret doors. Jarvein ventured into the first, first throwing in a dead body to check for traps, as soon as he walked in, the floor dropped out below him, the door slammed shut and the room began to rapidly filly with water. Underhill managed to haul him out before he drowned. Though things were begining to fill with water themselves. In the second room they found a hidden alcove containg a large, heavy chest (No, it isn't lara croft) they pulled it back into the hallway and then threw a dead body into the remaining room, nothing happened so Jarvien went in. The door again slammed shut and the walls began to close in on him rapidly. Underhill opened the door but it had split in half, half of it sticking with the moving wall. Jarvien tried all he could and at the last minute managed to break down the door and escape. The water by this time was rather high up, so grabbing the chest and a dead body they surfed out the hidden exit they had earlier found. Upon opening the chest they found a very large amount of silver pieces and a map leading north.
The two thieves deposited the gold then followed the map to a ravine near Eveningstar. They soon came to a ledge leading down a flight of stairs into darkness. Though there was already someone there.

The Sunless Citadel (Adventure 1)
Location in Game: Evening Star and the surrounding area
DMed By:
Corwyn/Roland (we did switch DMs about 2 hours into it then switched back for the final few hours)
Characters Participating:
Roland Brightblade, Corwyn Brightblade, Thalandür, 'The Talented Mr. Underhill', Jarvien, Xanatos
Location of Game:
Thalandürs, Jarviens, Park
Monsters Felled:


As the two thieves mentioned above got to the ledge, they saw that it was already occupied by three others. The elf of the group spotted one of them and called them out. Introductions were exchanged and while both sides were not exactly at peace with each other they decided to work together to better both of their causes. As these introductions were taking place a dark elf was spotted spying on them up above. While the 5 adventurers couldn't just let him go, they couldn't wait around, daylight was burning. So they decided to take the elf (who was introduced as Xanatos) with them down into the darkness.
After several minutes of decent all natural light was extinguished, this was not a problem for two reasons, Underhill and Xanatos could see perfectly well in the dark, and Roland's weapon served as a torch for the remainder of the group. At the bottom of the stairs the group was set upon by a 'guard dog' of sorts, in the guise of a displacer beast. Everyone was getting worked until the dark elf Xanatos hit the real creature with a fairy fire spell allowing for more accurate hits, before long it was dispatch and what was vauable was salvaged. Further the group went through this ruined temple. After a short time they came across a kobold aparently incapacitated for he was on thr ground crying next to a large cage with a large hole in the side. When asked what the problem was the kobold looked started, introduced himself as Meepo and a very gansterish manner explained that their pet white dragon Calcryx had been taken by the goblins. When further questioned he would speak no more until some article of good faith was shown. Roland being a blacksmith by trade, opted to fix the cage for them. Before too long trust was earned and Meeps offered to take them to see the queen. When they arrived at the queen small pleasantries were exchanged but the real focus of the conversation was on a key just above the throne of the queen that bore a resembelance to a door that they had seen earlier. While the PCs spoke to each other in private Thalandür walked down the hallway and attempted to gain access to the room where the women and children lived, trying every password he could think of. Meanwhile I plan was concocted. Drinks would be served and in the queens drink a love potion would be administered. While the queen was busy with one of the PCs another one would take the key, replace it with a bit of key shaped wire and run. The queen drank the potion and her first sight was Thalandür at the end of the hall. She stood up regally and began to waft towards him........just as he tried to break down the door leading to the living quarters. The queen and all of the guards rushed down to stop him, Jarvien, Underhill, and Xanatos grabbed the key and ran while the brothers rushed to help Thalandür should he need help. As the first barrage of spears impacted into Thalandür it was clear that help was needed. The fantabulous duo rushed into action taking out two Kobolds before Roland accidentally knocked out his own brother on a critical miss with maximum damage dealt. It was at this point that the remaining kobold forces went back to Thalandür to escort him to his holding cell.
Meanwhile back with the three key thieves: They had gotten to the door without evident and opened it. After a short walk down a darkened hallway they reached a room with a giant statue of a dragon. In front of the dragon was a stylized seal on the floor. As the PCs entered and stepped on the seal a booming voice issued from the dragon statue:

"We come at night without being fetched,
We disappear by day without being stolen."

The PCs gave the quick reactionary answer of "Vampires" the dragons mouth opened and they were roasted by a jet of flame. After some thinking about it they answered "Stars". A hidden door opened on the far side of the room. Inside the room was a large pit before a doorway with greenish light trickling out of it,. Jarvein used his 11' pole to get across the 10' gap and was immediately pushed into the pit by an imp. After taking a severe beating and 12d4 points of dex damage between the three of them they ran out of the door slamming it and locking it behind them.
After a short time the two groups had met up and convinved the kobolds that the actions of the paladin were not indicitve of the rest of the group. They allowed the PCs safe passage and a place to rest for a few days if they would get the white dragon back. Thalandür who was locked in the cage repaired by Roland thought he should be able to go with a bent the bars of the cage in an attempt to escape. In order to keep of the visade of being nice to the kobolds Jarvien prompted knocked out Thalandür. The remaining PCs set out through the goblin areas of the fortress dispatching goblins and hobgoblins alike as they went. Before long they came to the audience chamber of the goblin king who apparently was just a stoogie for the big boss named 'Belak' the PCs easily convinced the stupid king that they were close personal friends of Belak and should be admitted down to his room. After a long climb the PCs confronted Belak who saw them for they were, Usurpers of his tree that the PCs previously knew nothing about and like all bad guys proceeded to rattle off a detailed personal history from the time he was two. After an arduous battle with Belak and his twiggy minions Roland connected a hit with Belak sending him flying into the tree, the tree seethed with evil power short dark light out from huge cracks opening in it incinerating the remaining twig things then condensed itself into a single apple swirled with black and white.
Gathering their wits about them the PCs climbed back up the vine laden hole into the room full of the goblins. Not trusting the PCs when they said that it was an 'industrial accident' the leader of the goblins sent a scout down to see if Belak was all right. Well, quite obviously it was not. The PCs sprung into action before the opposition could react. Almost as soon as the combat started Underhill cast a scare spell and caused five hobgoblins down the hole in fear, allowing the PCs to slice, dice, and bash those remaining enemies. With barely any life left the leader's advisor fled for a door screaming all the way. Underhill zapped a hole through his chest, but it was too late. Many more hobgoblins came through a far door, while at the same time the 5 who fled previously climbed back up into the fray. Underhill bolted for the door, two hobgoblins following him. Jarvein went down from the multitude of attacks on him leaving the brothers to fend for themselves, and they did quite well. With three hobgoblins left an army of fully armed kobolds led by Underhill came through the door and shredded the remaining opposition.
The PCs, and the army of Kobolds went back into the throne room to discuss what they were going to do now. After a short time Meepo slid through the door, Kramer style. He said that he had tracked the goblin that door the white dragon then overheard him talking about where they were taking it. Aparently they were going to the lair of a white dragon far to the north. The queen (now Underhill's girlfriend) implored them to retrieve the dragon. She also agreed to having the entire kobold colony go with them. So plans were made, Thalandür was released, and Corwyn, Roland, and Thalandür went into town to buy supplies for their coming warband march across half the world. Meanwhile Jarvein and Underhill went to take care of the quasit that had formerly kicked their butts.

While in Eveningstar purchasing supplies Corwyn and Roland heard tell the purple dragon force that was after Underhill and Jarvein, and quickly went back to came to alert them. When they arrived, thay found that Underhill and Jarvein had once more gotten tromped by that quasit. This was quickly forgotten at the news of their enemies arrival. As the ambush was set up in a heavily wooded area, Thalandür said that he was going to 'scout' ahead. His defection was no suprise. So when he had left the group moved their ambush a few hundred feet up the road. This was enough to fool the enemies. They didn't know what was happening until they were right in the middle of the ambush. Their wizard died in the first wave and all were disoriented. The remaining purple dragons were nearly thrown from their mounts but managed to dismount with little harm, save their sight and hearing. They put up a valiant fight, managing to completely kill one of our kobold army who was mostly hidden behind a large shield. But in the end all were slain. (The Purple Dragon/Ranger ended up with -72 hp) The next few days were spent sorting through the equipment, healing, and reflecting on our experiences. Through careful study Underhill initiated himself in the Lore of the Pale Masters. With their newfound strength the entire group (excluding Thalandür of course) went back into the Citadel and dispatched the Quasit that had been troubling them for some time. When they went to inspect what was being guarded they found a large tomb. Within the tomb was an incredibly tall creature. Seemingly dead, with many jewels about the bottom of the tomb. When they were about to be collected the creature awoke, and was not happy. Fortunauntly Roland had prepared some fire-base spells and the thing was taken out without too much trouble, with it's treasure laid bare.
Shortly therafter the war band set off down the road towards eveningstar, and their escape from Cormyr. After a short while, someone was spotted on a ridge. He quickly took off. Most of the PCs pursued him into a wooded area where a huge roar was heard. When they found the spy he was pinned down by a large cat. Roland attempted to approach the cat, but he didn't take too kindly to the approach and a brief skirmish ensued in which the cat came out ahead. During this time the spy had escaped, with Jarvein and Cormwyn hot on his heels.
After a brief chase the two came upon a pitched battle between some guards of eveningstar, and an unknown band. Naturually they sided with the unknown band. With much loses on both sides the guards dispersed, and the unknown army, under the command on a person clad in black was invited back to the PCs camp to heal up, and tell their tale.

There was more that is currently unwritten, but the campaign ended before that finished.

The Artificial Adventure
DMed By:

Our minds awoke to the bustle of stomach-height dwarfs milling about, punctuated by human and elven traders. As our senses were returned to us, it became evident where we were; Underhome, the dwarven market. Following this line of revelation, it became clear that we had a package to deliver, then under the purveyance of one Melikae of Evermeet, evoker extraordinaire. It was then that the rest our acquaintances were remet: an elven paladin of empirical strength and size and lordly might by the name of Thalandur Liadon; a giant of a man with a savage lupus of equally immense size, known as Langrath accompanied by his friend Velfe the wolf; and last but not least, another man of the woods, expert archer, and expert cook, Rjonein. The item we were to deliver was wrapped in unmarked brown paper, so we wouldn't have known who to deliver it too if not for our instructions from our employer, good Lord Orem Silverhorn. The package was for a dwarf, who was not to be found in Underhome. So to the land of light did our feet carry us, and into the Gem of the North - Silverymoon. There we found the dwarf whose package we were carrying and delivered unto him our burden. Following this, Langrath purchased arrows for his own bow, and we went to find our lord. Upon speaking with Lord Orem, we were sent back to our inn of residence and told to return the next day.

Not so early, but beautifully bright, the next day found us back at the manor of our lord, who sent us with another package, intended for an instructor at the University of Magic in the New City by the name Rhomtal. The Moonbridge that seems to be a bridge made of nothing caught off-guard those not familiar with the sights and splendors of Silverymoon. The faintest shimmer of that structure made of force can be discerned by the alert, but rare is the foreigner who is not taken aback by that display of wizardly might! We found Rhomtal in his class, lecturing on astrology. Following the tedious, though enlightening, lesson, we approached and delivered the package. He tore into it, while shielding its contents from view. Apparently fully satisfied, the teacher sent us back to Orem with a letter, bearing his own personal seal, cooled in a way that only a wizard could accomplish - with a ray of frost. Returning to Orem his letter, we found ourselves retired for the remainder of the day, but told that a new task would be ready for us on the morrow. Melikae returned to the University to bend his mind to the task of uncovering the mystic secrets of a new spell, while Langarth decided that he would feel more comfortable in the woods outside of Silverymoon. So the druid and his wolf ventured outdoors to better take in the natural scene surrounding the most beautiful city in the north. Unfortunately for Langarth and Velfe, Silverymoon's protection has waned slightly outside of its walls in the past few years, and the pair was surprised by a troll who looked entirely large and mean enough to tear into the both of them. Langarth would have been more than capable of dealing with this threat alone had he had the foresight to prepare spells of battle. As it was, he was able to run to fight another day using his druidic powers to summon an ally of nature to distract and delay the troll while he shapechanged into a bird to fly away. Velfe was signaled to run and return to the inn. And so the pair was able to avoid the perilously long clutches of the troll.

A busy day indeed! We were met by Lord Orem's friend and advisor, the mage Bhennarth. We were asked to recover a variety of components for a new spell that he was working on. One hundred moons were given to us to help us in our task, as it was certain that the components would not come free. Our first stop was at the Bright Blade Brandished, where we found a dwarf by the name of Steam Darkaxe. The poor creature, for he was poor literally, was drunken and could scarce afford to maintain his drunken state. We remedied this situation for him in return for an athame, a ceremonial dagger, which was one of the components that Bhennarth requested we obtain. Next, the group was split, as Thalandur headed to the Hammer and the Helm to await the arrival of the bard Daeron, from whom we were to obtain a harpstring. The rest of us headed to Treant's Hall, where Melikae purchased a gallon (a gallon!) of silvermilk from the tavern keeper, and Rjonein procured an acorn that would be required in the spell. Langarth spent some time considering the rumors of the giant oak in the center of the tavern was an actual treant. He didn't get an answer, as it was time to return to the paladin's side at the Hammer and the Helm. Deron began his performance at around six o'clock with a horrendous collection of the worst jokes ever to befoul these fair realms. While his music was lovely and most enchanting, the taint of his stand-up routine marred the rest of his performance. After he completed his sets, he turned to the bar and awaited the rest of the nights entertainment. It was at this time that Melikae stepped up and buttered him up a bit, followed by a request to purchase his wondrous harp. While the asking price of five hundred gold was rather too steep, the offer to purchase a single string was far more reasonable. For the price of ten gold and a replacement string, one of the magical harps nine strings would be ours, and thus, Bhennarth's. So the group headed over to Wyndfinder's Wondrous Wynds, where Melikae conducted business with the gnomish caretaker in his native language. Following the exhausting conversation, the group returned to the Hammer and obtained the harp string. From there, thanks to a slight miscalculation of hours and risk, we headed to Beggar's Ally around eight at night. We were to retrieve a magical coin purse from a certain someone named Legor. His home, when we found it, was occupied by what we presume to be his mother - a nervous and neurotic creature to say the least. After some discussing, we were allowed into her home, a tiny shanty made of just one room. The sound of locks opening seemed to stretch on for some minutes before the door opened to allow us entrance. After some brief and awkward conversation, we saw Legor stumbling around down the street towards the shack. Unfortunately, he didn't get halfway there before three cutthroats jumped out from the shadows and brought him down. Bursting from the house, we converged on the scene of the crime, Legor, and his assailants. Melikae cast a spell allowing him to fly at great speed, and sped swiftly before the running robbers, sending them to a screeching stunned stop at his feet. Rjonein stopped to aid the injured Legor, who was still conscious and well, though perhaps still not sober. Langarth and Thalandur rushed to Melikae's aid, which he surely needed! Following their shock, the robbers recovered quickly, attacking the wizard with shortswords. Demonstrating at least mild competence, Melikae managed to score one over the ribs with his longsword, but was sorely pressed from two sides. The last thief was rather more occupied with Thalandur and his immense greatsword, crackling with magical electrical energy. Velfe, Langarth's wolf, was speeding along towards one of the two thieves attacking Melikae. Said wizard decides that's enough melee for one wizard, who uses a spell to turn invisible and fly away. The two rogues confusedly turn only to meet the might of an angry paladin, a very large wolf, and a polymorphed badger. The goodly trio quickly dispatch the unlawful one, and return to Legor. Impressed and thankful, the drunk hands us the coin purse, with some compensation (it is magical, after all). Finally, the last task was the easiest, as all it took to accomplish it was to scoop up some water from the River Rauvin in a special canister at midnight during the full moon, which happened to be this night. After obtaining all the required components, we returned to Bhennarth at that late hour the items that he had requested. The mage was awake, and appreciative to our efforts...though he did ask for his change back.

Returning the next day at one o'clock as so instructed the previous night by Bhennarth, we found the mage and Lord Orem in something of a tizzy. The mage was highly distraught over the absence of the last spell component, the one that was to arrive this morning at eight but is now mysteriously absent. Agitatedly requesting our aid in looking for it, Bhennarth sends us out with a pair of healing potions, in case we encountered the reason for the caravans delay and it turned out to be unfriendly. Which it was. But first, an account of how we found the brigands. Following the road north, we found the site of the caravans destruction. The wagon had been burned, and broken arrows were fare too common. Everything of value had been stripped from the cart, but the tracks were clear. Thanks to Rjonein's tracking skills, we were able to trace the outlaws to their rocky cave lair. Once inside, we used a clever mixture of spell cunning and weapon mastery to defeat the outlaws, who were well armed and outfitted for battle. They were accompanied by a mage of some small power, who made things a touch more interesting for Melikae. In the end, of course, the heroes were victorious. Retrieving the three immense and immensely heavy crates was perhaps harder than defeating their thieves, and so we spent the night beneath the stars. Rjonein cooked a meal of beef stew for us, though it was perhaps a bit too stringy and tough. No fault of his own, but it could've been far worse.

We returned to Silverymoon, following the merchant wagons that helped haul the cargo out of the woods. Bhennarth and Orem were most relieved to have their supplies back, though we were all perplexed and bothered by the discovery that Bhennarth's final spell component, a large gem, was mysteriously missing. The crates had shown no sign of being tampered with, and the gem was hidden deep within an immense square block of stone that only magic could have opened. At any rate, we were invited to a nobles party to celebrate the return of the son of one Lord Isbros. Since neither weapons nor bodyguards were to be allowed at this party, we were signed on as "distant cousins from the Dalelands." Indeed. From this time to the start of the party on Eleint 21, the autumn equinox, Melikae completed research on a spell for restricting the movements of any human or humanoid. Also, we were outfitted with dress suitable for a nobleman's party, which made Langarth and Rjonein exceedingly uncomfortable.

The night of the party, many things occurred that would change our current way of life drastically. To give a brief account of the events and our encounters that night is kindest, as the some of the proliferate conversation we had that night would likely bore any reader. Nobles can be so stiff. Though Thalandur nearly got himself into a duel with one of the minor nobility. Minor or not, it's best not to upset lords nor lady's, if one likes their head firmly attached to their neck. One further small note though, it's amazing how many distant cousins of other nobles from the Dalelands were in attendance that night. The party was going well until a jewel was stolen. We were immediately under suspicion, as well as another distant cousin of another noble, for we were new and unknown to the nobles. However, we managed to deflect suspicion onto the other, who admitted to being a thief...but not THE thief. It was then that things started getting interesting. The candelabra's began to dance, well, attack the panicky nobles. Being skittish they all ran out to the main ballroom and huddled on one side, that being the one furthest from the candles as possible. Lord Isbros senior, his Lady, and his son all took up position at the great stairs leading upwards, to the side, opposite the main doors and to the left of the huddling group of nobles. Since we were the only ones not terrified, we were at least somewhat ready when all the nobles' jewels and jewelry started floating toward the Isbros family, and the golems attacked. A great ice swan carving that had been in the main ballroom became a frozen monstrosity, and the brass carving of a giant-sized man thinking stood up to confront us. Melikae melted the swan with one swift fire spell, while Thalandur began dealing with the candlesticks and Langrath began work on the brass golem. Rjonein began casting defensive magics on himself and the fighters. Langrath summoned Velfe to his side, and the great wolf leapt through one of the windows to his masters aid, cutting himself slightly on the glass shards. The pair began attacking the brass golem, but made little headway. Melikae aided by sending a bolt of lightning into the golem, which tore large chunks of it out. Obviously, this was not a standard brass golem, and had it been, we would surely have fallen. Thalandur then sent an empathic call out to his war-horse in the stables to come to his aid. Rjonein continued in his support roll by adding valuable defensive shields to those battling in melee. Also, he drew his dagger and rushed at the Isbros family, which had by now turned into a mockery of humanity. Lord and Lady Isbros had revealed their true form, that we now know to be dopplegangers, and the son revealed himself as an evil wizard of extraordinary power. The dopplegangers halted Rjonein's charge before he could reach the evil master, and knocked him to the floor. Melikae then sent a trio of magic bolts of energy at the monsters. The two targeting the dopplegangers scored minor hits, while the one sent against the new Lord Isbros reflected off a spell mantle and back towards its caster. Meanwhile, Thalandur continued sweeping the candlesticks away, and the brass golem sent powerful blows to Langrath. Deciding those few hits was more than enough, the gigantic druid decided to withdraw and allow his animal companion to do the rest of the in-close fighting. Velfe's teeth didn't do very well against the rock hard skin of the golem. Things looked bleak, especially after the evil wizard Isbros sent a bead of fire floating towards the nobles - a bead that exploded in a fireball of heat and death. The inferno killed most of the nobles, with only Lord Orem still alive after the first blast. Rjonein righted himself and ran to help his employer. He sent healing energy into his lord, but it seemed to do little but ease the burned and dying man's pain. It was then that Thalandur's steed burst through the front door, bringing with it all of the weapons we were not allowed to bring to the party. Swiftly grabbing his greatsword, Thalandur made to give aid to Velfe, who was looking the worse for his battle against the golem. Melikae, having seen the arcane might of Isbros, created a magical escape hole into an extradimensional space for the party, and jumped up into it himself. Rjonein burst another window with his elbow and gently lowered Lord Orem's dying body to the ground outside, then charged headlong towards the golem. Unfortunately, he didn't realize his own speed and strength and jumped completely over the golem, landing on the horse of Thalandur. Deciding to make the most of the situation, he decided to retrieve his longbow. Meanwhile, the powerful paladin hammered blows onto the golem. Noticing a glowing crystal set in the golem's back, he smashed at it, delivering a crushing blow to the delicate gem. Apparently, the gem was the source of the golem's power, for immediately after, it stopped in mid-punch, frozen. That was the end of the battle, and despite our best healing efforts, our Lord Orem died of his heinous wounds. His last request was one for justice, that we might find the mass murderer, Lord Isbros and end his mad murdering methods forever.

I suppose, following the disaster that had fallen upon the nobility of Silverymoon, that anyone left standing at the home of Lord Isbros would be brought in by the Knights in Silver for questioning. While admittedly the necessity is understandable, as a respected member of the magical community hear in Silverymoon, I find the entire process most insulting. Nevertheless, after listening to my compatriots bumble about attempting to explain themselves, I was able to step in (figuratively speaking, since we were all locked in separate cells) and straighten the matter out. Despite my clear and thorough recollection of the night, we were still kept overnight - an insult!

We were released however, an directed towards the Church of Helm. Who might have wished to speak to us there, I know not, but upon arrival, we were greated by an impressive priest by the name of Garagin Snowtower. He directed us to the back where the church was caring for one of the "distant cousins from the Dales" from the party who had managed to survive the fireball by the name of Ralthos. What influence or power he might have is questionable, but he provided us with some information towards the capture of Isbros. First off, we were told to head to the Vagabond's Vault, a somewhat unsavory institution, but useful nonetheless. There, we received a gift to aid us in our journey's - healing potions. On our way to Isbros' estate to continue our investigation, Geragin asked to join our party. He seemed a formidable and competent fellow, so we agreed to let him add his strengths to our own. Besides, it never hurts to have the powers of the gods behind you, and we had been missing a holy healer until this point. From there, we headed back over to the estate of Lord Isbros. On the way in, we encountered a most peculiar guard who spoke very quickly, and stated that he hadn't slept in three years. Most unusual. At any rate, inside the home, we found little of interest. Most of the rooms were uninteresting and yielded no clues, but three provided some food for thought. The first was the room of the junior Isbros. All the books in his private bookcase were missing. No mage takes all his books anywhere unless he means to leave the place forever. In Lord Isbros seniors bedchambers, we found evidence of theft. There were no small aluables, gems or jewelry, or gold, to be found anywhere. To the list of crimes committed by Lord Isbros can be added theft. The last door was locked, and we had no means of opening the door without destroying it, so we left to return the next day.

ELEINT 23 First thing we did was return to the manor, encountering that same guard. I don't think he slept that night. Peculiar. Anyway, upon opening the final door, we were presented with a grisly scene. Numerous corpses, stacked atop one another, including the Lord and Lady Isbros, were stacked upon each other before the door. When Rjonein moved to deal with the bodies, a magical trap was sprung, and the corpses went up in flames. Moving quickly, Langrath and Rjonein casts spells of water summoning that quenched the flames before the house could burn. We could then dispose of the bodies honorably, and properly. After this, we began to investigate Lord Isbross holdings. We discovered that he controlled numerous mines that mined metals necessary for the creation of golems. From there, we hit a slow spot, and could not decide what to do next. Suddenly, inspiration struck, and I remembered seeing him at the Academy. Deciding to try to root out what sort of mage this man was, we headed over to the New City and the Academy. There, we discovered from Isbros' former teachers that he was very intelligent and learned quickly - a spellcasting prodigy, much like myself - but that he delved to closely to the darker aspects of metamagic. Also, he was a transmuter, and had a fiery temper. His interests ran along mechanical lines, and he studied a great deal about constructs, as well as about artifice. Surely a man to be reckoned with. But our newly acquired knowledge of the enemy brought us little in the ways of furthering out pursuit. We might have despaired had no a young priest of Oghma by the name of Yadros approached us with information of a dire sort. He informed us of an immensely powerful magic artifact and its connection to Isbros; also, he presented us with a tracking device that allowed us to find the item, and thus, Lord Isbros.

Seizing the opportunity, we snatched up Yadros and went on our way. Unfortunately, we were delayed by one day, as Yadros had to make arrangements. The cleric lead us north some ways from the city. All was well until the trolls ambushed us. The battle was long and difficult. I had not though to prepare as many fire spells as I found I needed, and Yadros was nearly the death of us all with his ridiculous staff of wonder. Where he procurred such an item, and how he learned to use it (or didn't learn to use it, as it were), I've no idea. Garagin saved us all with his healing spells, and Langrath and Rjonein especially owe him their lives. Without his aid, it's possible that I might have had to return to the city just with Thalandur and two bodies. As if he hadn't done enough already, Yadros further demonstrate his incompetence by turning the tracking device upside down and sheepishly telling us that we have been travelling in the wrong direction. The temptation for violence in me was a powerful one at this point, but I had run out of battle spells, and he still had that accursed staff, so I let the matter be.

Heading south this time (grr) we found our way towards a small village set in the hills and the land itself. Immediately, I knew that we were in gnome territory, and was soon proven correct. Making our needs known to the little people was simple - obtaining them was rather more difficult. Cajoled and blackmailed, we were told that to obtain the information we needed, we would have to defeat the town's best dizzy-boff player at dizzy-boff. What in the Nine Hells is dizzy-boff?!? Well we soon found out, much to our dismay. Rjonein was the first to fall, followed by Thalandur (a quick match!). Langrath was next to lose. Even I lost the game, though I am hardly made for such sweaty pursuits. I lost money on bets up to this point, when I suddenly wizened up and put my money on the gnomish hero. Garagin's attempt nearly had me doubting the wisdom of this, but in the end, he fell from the wheel, and I fell into a large sum of money. But, since according to the gnome's we were good sports, we were shown the way to the ruins that we were searching for. At the door to the small, sunken room, a voice shouted out an ancient riddle, to which I immediately shouted back the answer. The door swung open, and we were allowed entrance. In the first room, we were attacked by two Thayan golems. What they were doing here, and presumably under Lord Isbross command, I know not. After dispatching our adversaries, Yadros pointed us to the next room, and to the end of the first step of our quest.


E-mail Interlude #1

--Dungeon Master--
Sunlight filters in through the cracked roof of the ruins, you once again find yourself staring at the strange magical device. It's large center gem, suspended in the magical field is pulsing slowly. You all can feel an aura of magical energy coming from it. Yadros hands the Melikae, Snowtower, and Rjonein a small magical device.

"The three of you, put the devices on each of the spikes. Good. Now, we need to activate them at exactly the same time. Ready? 3...2....1....NOW!" --dungeon Master-- A tenseness pervades the room as seemingly nothing happen. Suddenly the elves of the group look around wildly, as the hear a deep tone, far below the spectrum of the other races. The tone gets higher and higher, eventually passing above the range of everyones hearing. The large gem makes a loud popping noise as a hairline fracture appears on it. The fracture widens until the entire gem shatters sending shards everywhere. The field dissipates now that the gem is no longer an issue. You sense a dark force gathering in the distance. Seemingly angry

"Well, thats settled. What wrongs shall we right now!"

"Well, its not quite that simple. *sniff* I had hestiated to tell you this before because I wasn't sure, but now it cannot be denied. What we just destroyed was one of many. It supplies a power field to a much larger, darker artifact that, given enough time and souls, and raw materials can create constructs at no pain to the user. It's been lost for centuries but obviously it's been found again. There are, however a couple of drawbacks to the artifact. The constructs created by it need to stay within a magical field, like the one created by that artifact we just destroyed. The power is recieved by expensive gems set somewhere in the golems body, destroy the gem and the golem loses all of its power."

--Dungeons Master--
Does anyone want to ask any questions of Yadros before returning to town?



Now then Yadros, answer me well for the information you provide will make the difference between success and failure. Knowledge is our greatest resource now. What is tha nature of the central artifact? Please try to recall any information about it you can. How many power centers such as the one we have just destroyed are there? What is the pattern to their placement? An important one now, where is the next closest one? What is the exact process of their destruction? Should you be rendered incapable of performing the rituals necessary, it behooves us to have someone else capable of understanding the arcane processes. What is the size of the energy field provided? I realize this is a lot to ask at once, so take your time, but do not dwell overlong. We know not how quickly the enemy may move, and must prepare for the worst.



--Dungeon Master--
Yadros blanches as you roll off your questions, he seems a bit unsure of himself, but before long sets his face. Its clear hes trying to recall your information.

"The central artifact creates these constructs out of raw materials and a sizable amount of sacrifices. It by itself generates one of these power fields, records indicate its somewhere between 8 and 10 miles in diameter. I believe the the power generators have range of between 4 and 6 miles, the texts aren't exactly clear on it. The central artifact can also create the power generators, though a rather expensive faceted gem is required for it. My tracking device doesn't seem to be able to be picking up any more of them, but i'm unsure of its range. To destroy them you need four maximized, empowered, shatter spells set off at the exact same time at an equal distance from the gem, so that their harmonics converge at the same time. Those things we just used were one time use magic items doing just that. I have to go back to tend the artifacts room, and I can't let you have the located. That is, unless, you were to compensate the school in some way. A favour to be requested later, perhaps.

--Dungeon Master--
Yadros is wringing his hands and looking very nervous.

"Either way I think that we should flee this area, lest we be overrun by Isbros troops."


After destroying the item of power, we decided to head back to the gnomish village to heal and prepare ourselves for the next step in our quest. Garagin remembered some pressing business or some such and had to return to Silverymoon immediately, so we would be without his services for the time. Just after retuning from the short ways back to the village, we noticed a number of men, dressed in black coats and armed with maces and crossbows, make their way to the ruins. Shortly after entering the building, they stepped back out and made their way towards the village. Disliking the look and feel of these men, we made our way to intercept them, as they were headed towards the town hall (a small, cottage-like building - not very hallish if you ask me). We intended to stop whatever plans they might have had, as they looked like men of violence. I must say I nearly laughed at our ineptitude when they simply brushed by us on their way in, though I was laughing in triumph moments later when we chased them down within the halls of the building and rescued the mayor after dispatching our antagonists. Afterwards, we stayed for the night, telling tales of our exploits to the delited gnomes. We even helped to fix the holes that our little fight created in the walls of the hall.

We returned to Silverymoon and the University this day, in order to obtain the tracking device used by Yadros that allowed us to locate the power centers. Also, we were given eight shatter gems as used in the ritual to destroy Isbros unholy power sources. However, the price we payed for these items may be no small amount, as unknown favors tend to be larger returning then given.

After making arangements with the innkeeper for our next months stay (mental note: Rjonein, Thalandur, and Langrath each owe me 25 gold pieces, at fifteen percent interest, calculated monthly, starting on this day, eleint 28, year of wild magic), and while making our morning meal, we received a message from Ralthos, delivered by a most interesting gofer. Judging by the pin on the boys collar, it was evident that he was a member of that pseudo-secret band of do-gooders known as the Harpers. By association, it would seem that our friend and informant Ralthos is also a member of the organization. Good to know. At any rate, here is the letter in its brief entirety;

My Friends,
My associates and I have come across some information that you should find interesting. I am still at the temple. Come at once and we will speak. The fate of the city could depend on it.
- Ralthos Moranon

And so we made our way to the temple where we found Garagin, who's pressing business obviously had done little to take him away from his doorman duties at the church of Helm. After speaking with Ralthos, we followed his direction and sped to those dark and dangerous swamps, the Evermoors. On the way there, our tracking device began to lead us more precisely to the edge of the swamps. We had hardly met the border to the perilous landmark when we were ambushed in the mist by more of Isbros well-attired henchmen, this time accompanied by a golem of some new sort, made of a type of sandstone that I'm not familiar with in golem construction. The fight was difficult, but made easier by an invigorating bardic song coming from somewhere within the mists. After we had vanquished our foes, we met our unknown helper. Thus, we met Lord Byron, a pale and stately fellow of impecable dress and precision. He exhuded that air of power and confidence that would not be amiss among nobility. It seemed odd that what appeared to be a nobleman would have skills in a profession so common as that of the bard, but I was not about to complain. I have always enjoyed a gift horse. Byron led us out the confusing and permeating mists and to a cave where we could rest before our assault on the power center that our magical tracking device was pointing us towards. During the day when Byron was nowhere to be found, I cam to the conclusion that our helper and informant seemed to be a vampire. Running down the checklist, I found all evidences to be in order; aversion to sun, stark pale complexion, pointy canines. Circumstantial it may be, but powerful evidence nonetheless. Also, good to know, though I would certainly not hold his undead status against him. Contrary to popular myth, not all vampires are chaotic, untrustworthy, evil, malicious creatures. I must also believe that he is likewise a member of the Harpers, which might explain his bardic talents. But I digress.

After preparing the previous day for our battle this eve, I expected the fight to be short. I was wrong. Despite taking the defenders of the golem power source by surprise, and their less than spectacular combat sense, the sheer toughness of both man and metal were surprising, and the I feared that the battle might be our last. The two golems, more examples of the sandstone warriors we encountered earlier, were especially dangerous, dealing tremendous destruction with their stony fists. I myself was rendered unconcious by my wounds, though, through the healing power of Langrath, was able to return to full life no worse for the wear. It is not, however a trip I should be taking, and similarly, not one I'd care to repeat. Were it not for Byron and his fangs, I'm not sure we would have survived that battle. But we did, and legends are not borne of maybe's and what-might-have-beens. We then completed our original objective by using our purchased spell gems to destroy the power matrix, though not before the buffonery of Thalandur and Langrath managed to waste the arcance power of two of our eight gems. I cannot believe the idiocy it takes to bungle such a simple magical process. It could hardly even be called a ritual, no more than a couple simple steps, and still the muscle-brained twits screw things up. We now only have two gems remaining, where we need four to destroy a power center. Which means we must return for to Silverymoon for at least two more. Won't that be a fun conversation. But I digress. So we move on, this time led by Byron to another subterranean building. The stairs led downwards into a chamber of power. In the square room were three paintings on separate walls, and three alters before each painting. The depictions showed a warrior human standing without his blade, a dwarven fighter without his warhammer, and an elven archer without his bow and arrows. As we stepped fully into the room, we were confronted with each of these depicted warriors who came alive in the painting themselves, seeming very animated.. They accused of 'Taking the constructor without going through the tests' we quickly defended ourselves, explaining about the misdeeds of Isbros, and that we were here to find a way to stop him. They pondered on this for a moment and came up with something. They challenged us to a battle of brain and brawn, with the brain coming first. Accepting, we were sent to three separate realms by stepping through portals before each alter to each spirit. In the first plane, we were confronted with a sun riddle in the middle of a vast plain that, through some trial-and-error and some flashes of understanding, I was able to puzzle out. After solving the puzzle, we received our prize, an obviously magical greatsword. The second realm, that before the dwarven painting, was a simple word riddle which proved to be no problem at all. After solving that riddle, we received a dwarven warhammer to carry. Finally, the elven realms was one of tall, mighty trees, and crisp, natural leaves. It was a pleasant experience, being in a place so plainly elven. Far too much time has passed since I was home on Evermeet with my family, and I fear that this brief exposure may be the closest I get to a home coming. A plainly elven riddle was presented to us, concerning leaves of different seasons, that we solved fairly quickly. Our prize was a set of bow and arrows, as well as a separate group of arrows that, through my scrolls of identify, were, strangely enough, arrows of healing. A being shot by such arrows would be healed of their wounds. Returning to the chamber, we realized that we were to return our newly acquired weapons to their rightful owners. After doing so (the greatsword to the human, the warhammer to the dwarf, and the bow and arrows to the elf), the images leapt from their paintings in the form on long-dead spirits, and commenced to attack us. Battling the ghosts was, in its own way, more difficult than our previous battle, and I was already low on spells. It took a moment to realize that we had to time our strikes for when the spirits materialized in our realm from the Ethereal Plane. Even then, our efforts were not strong and swift enough to prevent the passing of Rjonein, who fell from a mighty attack from the dwarven warrior. In the end, though we were victorious, the dead outnumbered the living (especially since we still had Byron with us). After defeating our ghostly challengers, a mighty weapon appeared before us, named the Deconstructor. It's purpose seems to be to destroy magical constructs, which would make it uniquely suited to our current plight.


E-mail Interlude #2

--Dungeon Master--
Dust settles in the ancient chambers. The guardians of the constructor have been returned to the paintings, weapons in hand. You sense that they will not trouble you further. You think you have completed all of the tests, but no reward as yet come to you. All of you begin to get a bit perterved with going through all of that for nothing. All of you, that is, except Rjonein. He lies unmoving on the eastern side of the room. From your angle you can see no rise and fall of his chest. Rushing to his side you see that is too late. His chest is not only not moving, but has been completely caved in from the ghost dwarf's massive hammer. Further surverying the room to account for all of your party you spot Langrath's pet wolverine comotose on the opposite side of the room. The wolvering however, is still alive just depleted. He will need healing soon if you wish him to live. Even Byron seems affected by the losses of your comrades. Tear of blood slide down his face. As you sit and mourn your dead you hear the sound of moving stone. A depression in the shape of the portal triangles appearsm facing to the south. A pedestal raises from it. Set upon it is a long hafted war hammer inscribed with runes both elven and dwarven.


Lowering my hands from their arcane pose, I breath a heavy sigh of relief - one that becomes choked with regret as my eyes find the body of Rjonein. The room is splattered with the blood of my friends, and all we have to show for it is an old mallet. It had better have been worth it. Immediately I turn to Byron, in time to see a light red smear being wiped fom his cheek.
"Byron. Is there anything you can do for Rjonein?"


"Sadly there is naught that I can do for your fallen comrade but give a requiem. We must get him to a priest before his body decays beyond recognition. Luckily its cold out."


"Not so Byron, for the powers of the God's include the ability to recreate a body for the immortal soul. All that is required is to find a priest of sufficient faith nad Rjonein shall be restored regardless." "But, no time like the present. We had best leave here as swiftly as possible."


"True, but I was also thinking of your coffers. I understand from my friends of mine that your entire group had to borrow funds to pay for their Inn stay. I'm sure after selling your looted gear you should be able to afford it. Plus with my funds, and my har- err....my friends we could pull in some contacts. That is, if his spirit wants to return. Anyway, back to the task at hand."


--Dungeons Master--
All eyes turn towards the massive hammer. You all seem lost in a trance, and those of you who are chaotic good feel compelled to reach out and claim it. Melikae breaks the silence.

"Who will bear our prize?" Resisting the urge to reach out for the mighty relic, I instead provide what is likely the most optimal use of the weapon.
"Thalandur, I think it may be best if your holy hand were to weild the Hammer. A warrior of your skills would make best use of it, and the divine shields that Torm grants you will aid you should the weapon be posessed of some overwhelming magical sentience."
Stunned, I watch as Thalandur shakes his head.
"No, I will not wield it. Such arcane power is not meant for my hands. I shall resist the temptation to take up the weapon lest I fall to its corrupting power. Best perhaps if the wiser keep it till a more suitable master could be found."
Nodding sagely, I accept his wise words.
"Then unless another feels he is worthy, I shall keep it until another master, more formidable in martial matters, can be found."
Inspiration strikes and I turn to Byron in the hopes that his immortal wisdom might find a better path.

Melikae turns away from the apparently unworthy Thalandür, focusing his attention on Byron.
"Byron, what advice do you have? Would you take up the hammer till its true wielder might be found?"

"This is not a decision to be taken lightly. I get the sense that whomsoever picks up this artifact will be bound to it until the hammers' task is complete. I however, am dead, and have been for some time now. I don't think it will adhere itself to me. I shall hold it until the need arises and one of you feels the need to step forward and accept this. I would myself wield it but this is your battle. I have instructions not to interfere too much on your quest." Byron slowly steps forward, hands out to the sides of the hammer. He takes a deep breathe, and slowly brings his hands around the hilt. The hammer looks incredibly heavy, but Byron seems to pick it up with ease. As he has it he seems lost in though. Suddenly his eyes open quickly, he pivots towards the rest of you. "Quickly, gather your slain and injured. I can sense the thoughts of this weapon, though it apparently cannot sense me. It has great need to go to Silverymoon. With all haste friends! We must depart!"


Eleint 29, 1372 The Year of Wild Magic

The day was fairly uneventful as it was generally occupied with returning to our home city of Silverymoon. We stopped on the way for a simple meal of bread, berries, and a ration of meat made tolerable by Rjonein's culinary skill, dried and leftover as it is. Too bad he's dead. I look forward to his cooking when we find the magic necessary to return him to life. Just delightful. Though I yearn for a proper elven, Evermeetian meal at some point. Is it really too much to ask?


Before the day's travel could begin we had to wait out the day to allow Byron to accompany us. Being a Master of the Night has its advantages, but there are assuredly inconveniences. At any rate, when we began moving, The Deconstructor in hand, night had fallen and we moved swiftly and quietly. As we crested a hill, we found to our infinite horor that Isbross' plans were moving forward at a frightening pace, as was clearly evidenced by the sheer mass of metallic monstrousoties maliciously marauding my marvelous mighty marble walls of Silverymoon (woo!). The walls were under attack by golems of all kinds; iron, clay, sandstone, wood…even warriors of human flesh and blood. Flying wooden golems were prying defenders from the walls and dropping them from great heights, sending the brave masters of sword and magic to their deaths, while the more brutishly inclined beasts crushed their giant hands into the fortifications.

Thalandur is nearly overcome by the mental overtures of the Deconstructor, but manages to resist sending himself to his doom by hurtling down into the mass of constructed warriors. On the way past and around the siege, I spotted a glow near the outskirts of the army, little realizing its signifigance.

We hurried towards the rulers of Silverymoon, with some carrying the important package of our falen companion Rjonein to the temples of Torm. Byron and Langrath rush to defend the falling walls, while I swiftly report to Taern Hornblade. There, a revelation occurs and I find myself cursing at my stupidity. The glow seen previous was the power source for the golems of the army! All that's needed to halt the destruction of Silverymoon is to destroy the crystals.

At a speed made capable only through powerful magic, I flew over the city towards where the glowing green light that indicated the power source was. Unfortunately, in my haste, I was seen by one of the flying wodden golems. Fortunately, it contented itself with a simple single fly-by-shot. Painful as it was, I was fully capable of continuing my desperate flight.

A small guard of Isbros's human troopers were guarding the power cell, which, though it galls me to say it, I was unable to defeat alone. Indeed, while my magics were deadly efficient, I simply did not have the defensive magics to counter their crossbows. Alone, I would have failed in saving the city. Luckily, being a part of a team allows me to depend on others as demonstrated by Thalandur's heoric, if dramatic, ride to the rescue of the city. Galloping hard on his steed, he swiftly aided in dispatching the few remaining troopers, and together, we were able to destroy the crystals, robbing the constructs of their energy, and saving the city. Isbros's human forces fled, and luckily for them, because just as the remaining troopers withdrew we saw the marching battle lines of a dwarven army sent from Mithril Hall.

Meanwhile, Langrath had taken injuries, and Rjonein had not yet been resurected, so our victory did not come without losses. Unable to do more, my magics spent, I returned to the inn and fell swiftly to trance.


Happily for me, my small loans to Langrath, Rjonein, and Thalandur compounded to day. I stand to make fifteen percent over my original loan. Money. The second most powerful force in the world.

After oversleeping by some few moments, I was awoken by a page sent from the High Mage Hornblade. The lad was remarkable in likely any number of traits, the least of which was a scar running down his face and the pin afixed to his livery naming him a member of the meddling band known as the Harpers. Curious.

Keeping my encounter to myself, I gather the rest of my comrades and head to Hornblades offices to discover his wishes. Best not to keep a high mage waiting. When we arrive we are informed that a large load of mithril has been purloined from the Mithril Halls that our dwarven rescuers were sent from. Supposedly, magical tracking aides have shown the mithril to be teleported to a location in the Evermoors. Naturally, we were sent to retrieve it. Unfortunately, since the urgency of the situation demanded speed, we couldn't wait for Byron, which would leave us perhaps slightly short of full strength. I have already discovered that I cannot do everything myself, and in that knowle4dge grows a seed of wisdom. Surely we would need some help.

Luckily, aid had already arrived. A few moments previously, I had noticed a small glinting coming from behind Taern's throne chair, but dismissed it. Now, I discover4ed it to be the metallic replacement arm for our informer and friend Ralthos, who had finally recovered from his injuries at Isbross hands. He offered to come along and bring another sword arm (and a magical metal one, at that).

The trip to the Evermoors was uneventful, and surprisingly swift. If I hadn't known any better, I might have guessed that we walked through a portal unknowingly along the way. Be that as it may, we arrived at the outer edges of the vast and dangerous swamps of the Evermoors within hours. On a mild uprising in the land, we spotted a dock of sorts in the heavily flooded areas of the swamp, where several humans garbed in typical Isbros-henchmen fashion were accompanied by a large, mutable golem. Altogether, they were loading several crates onto a skiff of some kind. In typical heroic fashion, we stormed the group of ill-do'ers, and, after a protracted battle both on the docks and on the raft, defeated both humans and golem. By the time the construct's structural integrity had collapsed, the craft had already begun moving at a fair pace through the swamps to some pre-arranged destination. Said destination could be said to be "looming on the horizon."

We might have thought to look at the control system and attempt to alter the ships instructions, but we were…distracted by a swarm of mechanical biteme's. While they had little strength or ability to injure, they were nonetheless effective in their purpose of swarming and arresting the party in its progress. Destroying the tiny creatures one by one was taking far too long so I had to risk an area effect electrical spell and hope that my friends would be able to yell at me later for it. As it is, the gamble paid off, and we dispatched the last of the flies only moments after the craft reached the outside of its destination.

We had been zooming through an immense tunnel at breathtaking speeds, but so distracted were we by the flies that nobody had a chance to maneuver too the controls to slow the raft down. By the time I thought of it, it was too late. We had reached the end of the line. A brick wall sped towards my field of vision, and death seemed to swim in my eyes. Thinking of my survival, and that at least one person had to live to carry the bodies back in failure, I leapt from the hurtling craft, my flight spell intact. Too my surprise, Ralthos too leapt from the craft, but not to his projectile demise. Instead, a set of magical feathered wings unfolded from his back, supporting him in the air, and allowing him to hover safely. Pookie simply cannonballed into the water, skipping for several meters before settling and sinking in the waist deep water. Rjonein attempted to ski bahind the speeding craft, but found the velocity too much for his feet, and let go before death overtook him again. Thalandur and his steed hung desperately on the craft, refusing to jump. Which was a shame because when the craft hurtled through the brick wall, sending dense crates of mithril about and shrapnel everywhere, only Thalandur would walk away. His steed, unfortunately, would not,

When we regroup after the disasterous encounter, we find ourselves in an expansive circular room, a tower. Unfortunately, at this time, we are somewaht bereft of fighting capability, and so must rest and recuperate. The answer of how we can do that safely is answered when Ralthos pulls forth a pouch filled with components for a powerful defensive magic that would allow us to recuperate for the night without worry of attack, for an intangible barrier of force would protect us on all sides.


This morning, after sleeping under the protective dome of the magical dust, we discover ourselves surrounded by more of Isbors troopers. They didn't know what they were dealing with. Spell and steel eliminated such troublesome irritants swiftly, and we investigated the rest of the room we were in. It was obviously only a part of a much larger complex, and we discovered various other room surrounding the larger interior one. They included simple barracks, storage areas, and groups of slaves. Thalandur had a noble minded intent in attempting to free the prisoners from their cells, first punching the door, then kicking the door, then punching and kicking the door in conjunction, and finally deciding to use the key.

The control room of the floor we were on held slots for two ovoid gems. Luckily, we had scavenged two such gems from the bodies of our assailants. The first slot, when filled with a gem, opened up the ceiling of the room to the immense aria of the night sky. The second gem dropped the bottom from us, literally. Well, not me, as I gently floated down, but those incapable of flight had to make ungainly arrangements to descend safely. Unfortunately, while my descent went more than safely, my landing did not.

The instant I touched down, I was transported to a darkened room, seated in a chair in the light, facing another chair, fiulled by none other than the arch-mage himself., Isbross had me in his capture. How wonderfoul <intentional misspelling, ironical, eh?>.

Curiously, he did nothing to harm me, even after I let loose with a multilingual blast of profanities that would make a drunken sailor swallow his tongue in horror. Indeed, perhaps even more perplexingly, he offered me the hand of partnership, ready to ally himself with me. Well, I go to far. He offered me an apprenticeship at his side, and I admit, I was tempted to take his offer and study from such a learned Artist. But my conscience would net let me, and I declined, in clipped, yet inquisitive tones. We questioned each other briefly, and engaged in a shortened moral debate over magic, its uses, and the morals behind such uses. Naturally, I knew this would get me nowhere, but it is within my nature to expound truth, or at least my version of it.

Even given my proclivity towards argumentation, I was allowed to go free within moments of my capture, his only wish to converse with what I presume he found the most capable enemy facing him. Likely, he was unimpressed, though I cannot say the same concerning him. Seemingly, he was only concerned with that trait that defines the thinking beast; the need to be understood.

At this point the writer got too lazy to continue with the final part of the adventure *cough* lazy bum *cough* and we have nothing more on that. In a nut shell we fought our way down the lowest level of Isbros's Inverted Tower, and with much loss to ourselves took him out. As he 'died' he fell into the constructor itself. Starting the final process of awakening the giant mithral golem. Due to Isbros's extreme power, he was able to transfer his soul into the golem from his dying body. Seeing an opening in the golems foot those of us still around rushed in, just as Isbros transported himself near the walls of Silverymoon. We rushed to the heart of the giant construct and destroyed its generator just as its foot was lowering onto the walls of the city. The construct remains with the image of Isbros's face upon it, looking over the city.

The entire party was killed shortly after this and no journals could be recovered to tell the tale. However it has been let out that the party was after a devourer that ate the soul of a local paladin. Coming upon a room choked full of 80+ monsters the entire party except Ralthos and Melikae were killed. Taking the bodies of their fallen comrades and began fleeing back to town (not before taking over over 100 CR worth of baddies), they made a shocking discovery that the town up above was in fact, and I quote 'EEEEEEEVIL!!'. So ends the adventures of this group. Time to roll up new characters.


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